Vincero Ministries

About Us

Vincero Ministries

Welcome to Vincero Ministries! We are a Holy Spirit-led Inner Healing and Deliverance teaching and Ministry.

Our mission at Vincero Ministries is to imitate Christ and Do what Jesus did. In particular, we are doing our ministry as part of Jesus’ Great Commission, in Mark 16:15-18, which is to do PHD: Preach the Gospel, Heal the sick (including inner healing), and Deliver people from demonic bondages.

We at Vincero Ministries are vessels anointed and prepared by the Holy Spirit to serve born-again Christian believers around the world who know that only Jesus can heal and that only Jesus can deliver.

Although our leader and head facilitator, Pastor Tri Suseno, is physically located in Perth, Western Australia, Vincero Ministries (also through Zoom) have ministered to hurting people in many places including: Indonesia, the Philippines, United Kingdom, Kuwait, Singapore, the United States of America, and the eastern states of Australia.

Issues that are faced by persons receiving ministry (PRM) whom Vincero Ministries usually minister to include:

  • Freedom from multi-generational witchcraft and occult bondages and attacks
  • Relationship breakdowns
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Other intrusive destructive thoughts
  • Unexplained physical and mental illnesses
  • Stagnation in financial and Christian growth
  • Multi-generational blood covenants and satanic agreements
  • and many others

In January 2021, Ps Tri Suseno, after receiving the Holy Spirit anointing of deliverance since October 2020, received repeated mandate from God to “Train My Army”.

Hence, in addition to ministering to hurting people, Vincero Ministries is also an anointed teaching ministry, fulfilling God’s mandate to teach this ministry and replicate soldiers of God’s army in these end times.

The Foundation of this ministry is based on honest and full Repentance, strong Fear of the Lord and pursuit of Holiness, as doers of the Gospel.

Deliverance and inner healing ministry is a process and is rarely a one-time event, according to Deuteronomy 7:22, “you will defeat them little by little”, as character growth and discipleship on the journey of healing is also important for sustainable breakthrough.

Note : The word Vincero is in an Italian word which means “I will be Victorious”, because Jesus “gives us the VICTORY through our Lord Jesus Christ.”  (1 Cor 15:57)


Through this public Youtube channel, we will publish our Live Services, regular teachings by anointed Bible teachers and preachers, as well as some clips of actual deliverances that have already been permitted by the PRMs (Persons receiving ministries) to be shared, to give all glorify to Jesus.

Through our Youtube community channel, we will also publish our latest news, thoughts of encouragements as well as impromptu worships.

Our Ministries

Pelayanan dan Pengajaran Mengenai Penyembuhan Batin & Pelepasan

Our Reach

Kami Siap Melayani Secara Online & Onsite

Our Online Services include Private Ministry, Fellowship (praise and worship), Cell Group to prepare God’s Army as well as Public Service (once a month), teachings, guest speakers, and Bible Study series.

Our Onsite Ministry Services will occur from time to time in various locations. We will post time and locations in this website or through our social media, ahead of time.


Our Upcoming


Our Partners

Thanks to all partners who have supported us!

Vincero Ministries is a ministry under authority and teaching of Invicta Ministries, which is based in Florida, USA. Invicta ministries’ website is:

Ps Tri Suseno is also an advanced student of Invicta University, a teaching and certification arm of Invicta Ministries. Invicta’s university website is:


The following are testimonies from people who have experienced the services and teachings of Vincero Ministries:

Our Latest Blog

Let's Learn and Grow with Us

At Vincero Ministries, we believe that all believers need to be able to cast out demons in the name of Jesus and heal the sick through the laying of hands in Jesus’ name, as outlined in Jesus’ Great Commission in Mark 16:15-18. We therefore need to teach and learn the best practices from the field about this ministry to as many believers as possible, and as fast as possible.

Note :

1. Vincero Ministries never technically asks for donations for Inner Healing and Deliverance Services.

2. Teaching conducted by Vincero Ministries requires registration per module and is paid.

3. The official Vincero Ministries account number is only listed when announcing the monthly public service (Paypall and BCA account).

4. Communication is only made by the Vincero Ministries admin for things that are needed, if any.