The central part of our ministry is Deliverance Encounter (DE) sessions,
which are Personal Ministry conducted by a Deliverance Minister (DM)
for the Person Receiving Ministry (PRM).
The DE session are usually done through Zoom or in person.
Personal Ministry is divided into three (3) components:
Deliverance Counselling, Technical Inner Healing,
and Technical Deliverance.
which are Personal Ministry conducted by a Deliverance Minister (DM)
for the Person Receiving Ministry (PRM).
The DE session are usually done through Zoom or in person.
Personal Ministry is divided into three (3) components:
Deliverance Counselling, Technical Inner Healing,
and Technical Deliverance.

Inti Dari Pelayanan Kami Adalah Sesi Deliverance Encounter (DE), Yaitu Pelayanan Pribadi (Personal Ministry) yang Dilakukan Oleh Deliverance Minister (DM) Untuk Person Receiving Ministry (PRM). Sesi DE Biasanya Dilakukan Melalui “Zoom” Atau Secara Langsung. Personal Ministry Dibagi Menjadi Tiga (3) Komponen: Deliverance Counselling, Technical Inner Healing, dan Technical Deliverance.
Can be followed by:
- A person who accepts the Gospel of Jesus Christ
- Aged 12 years and over, both online and onsite, one on one delivery or group delivery / sovereign delivery
Online Meeting
Personal Deliverence
Time adjusted by agreement.
For more complete information, contact us via email on the page contact us.